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Pre Purchase Inspection
Starting at 35,000 Rwf * 


Buying a car, especially a used one can be extremely stressful. Despite the bold claims made by a showroom, an auto mall, or a private owner, it might not be easy trying to verify if those claims are accurate. Getting a car pre-purchase inspection can help alleviate just about all your concerns when it comes to buying a car.

A car pre-purchase inspection follows a vehicle inspection checklist that goes through all the mechanical and electrical features of the vehicle.

Our highly trained and experienced technicians will carry out a 24-point car inspection and give you a comprehensive health report. All the major parts, such as the engine, the AC, the suspension and more, are thoroughly inspected to ensure everything’s working fine.

This state-of-the-art software helps in keeping track of any issues your next car might have to help you make a guided choice. Our pickup and delivery service makes the entire car pre-purchase inspection process a lot simpler and more convenient for you. If you’re looking to purchase a car and want an expert’s opinion, book our car pre purchase inspection service on the website, or the PITSTOP app today.

* Labour prices only

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KG 42st, Kimironko
​Kigali, Rwanda



Monday - Friday             8:00 - 17: 30
Saturday                         8:00 - 13: 00

Sunday Holiday

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